Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Motivation

When we study how we get motivated to learn, develop, and succeed, we can identify two contrary forces: extrinsic and intrinsic ones. Extrinsic motivation drives your thinking and behavior from the outside, though rewards such as money or fame. Intrinsic motivation comes from within in the form of natural curiosity.

Want to boost your motivation and begin to write your own story, your own Lifebook? Check out this FREE masterclass on Lifebook Online masterclass by Mindvalley:

Useful links
Link to our website: www.sproutsschools.com
Link to our Patreon: www.patreon.com/sprouts
Link to full script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DkJq2R4rs7aqEL1eAwPDdDHcoPXK1AzrQbHODNjLAoQ/edit?usp=分享

Meta Analysis
Motivation on Wikipedia
Extrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic Motivation

Thanks to our patrons
這個視頻是在我們的讚助人的支持下製作的: 亞當·G, 拉曼斯利瓦斯塔瓦, Karl Luckwald, 丹尼爾克萊默, 馬克短, Ronny Thomas Scripz, 穆罕默德·胡馬雍, 姜, 楊宗仁, 以斯帖·蔣, 巴德拉, 塞德里克·王, 伊娃·瑪麗·科布林, 壞了, 杰弗裡·卡西安娜, 謝爾蓋·庫哈里耶夫, 安德里亞·巴西利奧·拉瓦, Petra, Adèle D, 批評比馬尼, 大衛·馬卡姆, 唐·博恩, 張約翰, 馬蒂斯努, Julien DUMESNIL and all the others. 謝謝! 要加入他們,請訪問 www.patreon.com/sprots

Video collaborators
腳本: 喬納斯·科布林
藝術家: 帕斯卡爾·加傑利
語音: Mithril
染色: 那琳
編輯: Peera Lertsukittipongsa
生產: 賽琳娜巴多爾
Production Assistant: 比安卡
校對: 蘇珊
用 MinuteVideos 製作


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