Flight 103 | 半島電視台世界
In late December 1988 a terrorist bomb destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie and killed 270 人們.
Only one man, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, a Libyan citizen, was tried and found guilty of causing the explosion. But he protested his innocence at the time of his trial in Camp Zeist in Holland in May 2000, and continued to do so up until his death in Tripoli in May 2012.
For three years filmmakers working for Al Jazeera have been investigating the prosecution of al-Megrahi.
Probe identifies suspects over Lockerbie bombing
Two award-winning documentaries, screened on Al Jazeera in 2011 和 2012, demonstrated that the case against him was deeply flawed and argued that a serious miscarriage of justice may have taken place.
現在, in our third and most disturbing investigation, we answer the question left hanging at the end of our last programme: if al-Megrahi was not guilty of the Lockerbie bombing, then who was?
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