前聯邦調查局特工打破審訊技巧 | 有線

前聯邦調查局特工和肢體語言專家喬·納瓦羅 (Joe Navarro) 詳述了他在聯邦調查局工作期間如何進行審訊. Joe sets the record straight; there is no simple way to tell if a human being is lying. When looking for deceit, Joe focuses on the subject’s discomfort. He also does is best to make sure the subject feels comfortable enough to open upa far cry from the images we see in many police procedurals.

Check out Joe’s bookThe Dictionary of Body Language

Books By Joe Navarro: https://www.jnforensics.com/books
Joe Navarro Body Language Academy: https://jnbodylanguageacademy.com

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前聯邦調查局特工打破審訊技巧 | 有線


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