前聯邦調查局特工解釋如何檢測說謊 & 欺騙 | 手藝 | 有線

關於檢測欺騙有許多神話. 坐立不安, 看著別處, 摸你的嘴, all of these things are commonly thought to be practices that indicate deception. Jim Clemente, former Supervisory Special Agent for the FBI, explains why that isn’t always the case and how people like him can decipher what these indicators really mean.

Clemente is a retired FBI criminal profiler, and co-host ofReal Crime Profile,” a true crime podcast distributed by Wondery. For more information about his career, 去http://www.jimclemente.com, or follow him on twitter at https://twitter.com/JimClemente

To learn more about the DC Sniper case check out the Audible Original Series ‘Call Me God’ on Audible: https://www.https://www.audible.com/pd/Call-Me-God-Audiobook/B07XTN4FTJ?ref=mrq_aud_CMG_psoc1&source_code=MRQOR12610021902IE&device=d&&cvosrc=ppc.google.%2Bcall%20%2Bme%20%2Bgod&cvo_campaign=1859944974&cvo_crid=388008722764&Matchtype=b&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsbrxBRDpARIsAAnnz_O-hMErIlF8RsDBz-kzHgUFHK-FBVDHljpOIOonBzeRi6C3pbZd0k4aAly7EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

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前聯邦調查局特工解釋如何檢測說謊 & 欺騙 | 手藝 | 有線


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