歷史VS. Che Guevara – 亞歷克斯·詹德勒

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His face is recognized all over the world – the young medical student who became a revolutionary icon. But was Che Guevara a heroic champion of the poor, or a ruthless warlord who left a legacy of repression? Alex Gendler puts this controversial figure on trial in History vs. Che Guevara.

Lesson by Alex Gendler, directed by Brett Underhill.

非常感謝我們的顧客對我們的支持! 沒有你,這個視頻是不可能的.
伊麗莎白·克魯茲, Michael James Busa, Antinfinity, Gaurav Rana, 埃爾納森·約書亞·班加揚, 何塞·恩里克·萊奧波爾多·席爾瓦, Mullaiarasu Sundaramurthy, Tyler Yoshizumi, Jerome Froelich, Jose Schroeder, 丹·帕特尼蒂, 馬丁斯蒂芬, 哈利法阿爾胡萊爾, Faiza Imtiaz, 班傑明 & 香農·平德, 斯里科特·奈佔巴, Govind Shukla, 德克薩斯特區, Ex Foedus, Neil Harrison, 安娜瑪麗亞, 維尼安·維維拉, Ibel Wong, A Hundred Years, Ahmad Hyari.


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