如何生活 100 與琳達·格拉頓
How to live to 100 with professor Lynda Gratton. What will your 100-year life look like? Does the thought of working for 60 或者 70 years fill you with dread? Offsetting the excess of negative debate about longevity, Lynda Gratton takes a fundamentally different approach – seeing long life as an opportunity for a fundamental restructuring of finances and careers, and of relationships and leisure – in other words, for a redesign of life.
Watch Lynda Gratton, Professor of Management Practice at London Business School, 在我們最新的 RSA Spotlight 中 – 直接帶您進入活動中心的編輯! 喜歡這個片段? 觀看完整回放: https://youtu.be/yOph34orYns
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