How to Make the World Add Up | RSA 重播

Statistics are vital in helping us tell stories and make sense of the worldand yet we doubt them more than ever.

But numbersin the right handshave the power to change the world for the better. Good statistics are not smoke and mirrors; 實際上, they help us see more clearly – if we keep our wits about us.

Economist Tim Harford is an unrivalled guide to the world of numbers. Amidst a sea of disinformation and obfuscation, he shows how to seek out data with the power to inform and illuminate.

In an unmissable RSA conversation with data bias campaigner Caroline Criado Perez, we’ll learn how to look closer at how statistics are sourced and presented, and how to evaluate the claims that surround us with greater confidence, curiosityand a healthy dose of scepticism.



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