如何在壓力下保持冷靜 – Noa Kageyama 和 Pen-Pen Chen
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查看完整課程: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-to-avoid-choking-under-pressure-noa-kageyama-and-pen-pen-chen
Your favorite athlete closes in for a win; the crowd holds its breath, and at the crucial moment … she misses the shot. That competitor just experienced the phenomenon known as “choking,” where despite months, even years, of practice, a person fails right when it matters most. Why does this happen, and what can we do to avoid it? Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen explain why we choke under pressure.
Lesson by Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen, animation by Olesya Shchukina.
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