How Toxic Are You Self Quiz

Are you the toxic one? You may have been able to recognize toxic traits in others before, but have you ever considered whether you were toxic? Psychologist Dr. Erin Eatough says that being argumentative, inconsiderate of others’ feelings, and judgemental are all examples of toxic traits. Relationship therapist Jor-El Caraballo cites jealousy and resentment as two major signs of toxic behaviour. This quiz will help you find out whether you have these traits.

We also made a self-check video on the signs you’re becoming toxic:

作家: 莫尼克·齊佐
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
畫外音: Drew Baillie
動畫師: Krisha Que
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

速成課程是使用 Adob​​e Creative Cloud 製作的

Eatough, 乙. (2022, 一月 12). 25 toxic personality traits to spot in yourself and others. BetterUp. Retrieved from

Lamothe, C. (2022, 一月 11). Is Your Relationship Toxic? What to Look For. 健康熱線. Retrieved from

Drake, ķ. (2021, 十一月 14). Toxic People and How to Deal With Them. Psych Central.


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