猶太宗教禁止與女性離婚, 律師為他們的自由而戰 | 離婚被拒 (2020)
電影開始於 0:34
為宗教婦女的獨立而戰 – 以及他們從鎖鏈他們的人手中獲得的自由.
訂閱頻道: https://goo.gl/5Sp36B
訂閱wocomoMUSIC: https://訂閱wocomoMUSIC
According to the Jewish religion everywhere, which also defines the national law in Israel, only a man has the power to grant a divorce. Women find themselves chained to their husbands against their will, even if the separation is mutual. The film follows several such “chained” women in Israel together with Batya, a religious feminist lawyer, who embarks on a struggle against the rabbinical courts, to set these women free.
Sarah has been refused a divorce for two years, Noa has been waiting for three, and Oshrat for nine years. The freedom of these women and hundreds more in Israel is in the hands of their husbands and the rabbinic court. Batya Kahana Dror is a religious woman and combative lawyer, daring to rebel against the Orthodox Jewish courts. She believes the laws must be changed according to our time. She fights for the freedom of Sarah, Noa, Oshrat, and many more.
原標題: 離婚被拒
Directed by David Ofek & Mia Webb
A Trabelsi Production
© 2020, Licensed by First Hand Films