Jonathan Kaiser, Inverse Echo, Of Us and Art: 這 100 Videos Project, 插曲 12

Jonathan Kaiser’s “Inverse Echo” is an engaging sonic experience, a sculptural sound installation featuring a quartet of custom-made vinyl records on continuous repeat. Kaiser is interested in the tension between circular and linear conceptions of time, using looped records to explore the interconnection between past, 展示, and future. By varying the playback speed of the different records, he creates a perpetually shifting four-channel composition, evolving even as it repeats. The sculptural and spatial elements of the installation address related themes of symmetry and repetition. Kaiser is an internationally recognized musician and his one-person exhibition, “Blind Arcade,” was recently presented at the Rochester Art Center.

Jonathan Kaiser and Carolyn Swiszcz, 一月 15 – 行進 29, 2015

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