Oree Originol的“為我們的生活伸張正義” – 史密森尼美國藝術博物館

This online edition of “Justice for Our Lives” by Oree Originol will appear continuously from Tuesday, 可能 25 through 7 p.m. ET Thursday, 可能 27 to mark the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death. The ongoing online and public social justice artwork “Justice for Our Lives” includes 100 portraits of other individuals killed by law enforcement. “Justice for Our Lives” was inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and is part of a long history of art that unites portraiture and memorialization. Throughout time, 藝術家, individuals, and communities have used portraits to remember the deceased and to give solace and voice to the living. A site-specific installation of “Justice for Our Lives” appears currently at the entrance to the landmark exhibition “¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now” at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. https://americanart.si.edu/exhibitions/chicano-graphics


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