卡爾·詹金斯 – 刺死母校

Following the success of This Land of Ours”, a set of arrangements for brass band and male voice choir that took Britains most popular living composer back to his Welsh roots, Karl Jenkins returns with a new work to complement his massively successful Requiemand Armed Man”. The at once emotional, 現代的, culturally diverse and universally accessible style that has come to characterise the composers sound is perfectly exemplified in this poignant new choral album. Stabat Mater is a thirteenth century Roman Catholic sequence attributed to Jacopone da Todi. It has been set to music by many composers, among them Haydn, Dvorak, 維瓦爾第, 羅西尼, Pergolesi, Stanford, Gounod, Penderecki, Poulenc, Szymanowski, Alessandro Scarlatti (1724), Domenico Scarlatti (1715), Pedro de Escobar, Arvo Pärt and Giuseppe Verdi. Its title is an abbreviation of the first line, Stabat Mater Dolorosa (“The sorrowful mother was standing”). The hymn, one of the most powerful and immediate of medieval poems, meditates on the suffering of Mary, Jesus Christ’s mother, during his crucifixion. Karl’s setting extends this to a universal depiction of grief by using ancient text from the area (Holy Land/Middle East) that will be sung in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic (the lingua franca of the period) and a contemporary poem, sung in English. The orchestration includes instruments indigenous to the area, percussion such as the darbuka & riq and the woodwind duduk. There are two soloists, both female singers, Jurgita Adamonyte and Belinda Sykes, who doubles on duduk or mey, a middle eastern ancient woodwind instrument.


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華納經典是古典音樂的故鄉, 具有來自最偉大的古典傳奇的標誌性高音質錄音, 上世紀的歌劇明星和管弦樂隊.

發現我們獨特的現場表演收藏, 以瑪麗亞·卡拉斯 (Maria Callas) 為主角的工作室會議和電影, 杰奎琳·杜普雷, 奈傑爾·肯尼迪, 姆斯蒂斯拉夫·羅斯特羅波維奇, 耶胡迪·梅紐因, 伊扎克·帕爾曼, 赫伯特·馮·卡拉揚, 柏林愛樂樂團等.

連同其姊妹品牌 Erato, 華納經典與當今最受歡迎的古典藝術家一起延續了這一傳統, 比如菲利普·雅羅斯基, 喬伊斯·迪多納托, 戴安娜·達姆勞, 伊曼紐爾·帕胡德, 亞歷山大·薩勞, 安東尼帕帕諾爵士, 克里斯蒂娜·普魯哈爾和雷諾·卡普孔.

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