語言: 首先 5 多年的學習生活
Of all mankind’s inventions, none was more consequential than the birth of language and our brain’s language center is built through experiences early in life. Like our video? Join us on www.patreon.com/sprouts #language #development #sproutsvideos
A special Thanks to our Patrons: 阿維蓋爾, 塞德里克·王, Gilad Karni, 伊娃·瑪麗·科布林, 朱利安·杜梅尼爾, G3077r3y C0rc0ran, Mathis and the others. You are amazing !!!
在此處閱讀整個腳本: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GsiU4sWxLRLi5k_EYz_TfA9mNsCVlYMBO2UeTgGVfIQ/edit?usp=分享