愛還是慾望? 羅密歐與朱麗葉部分 2: 速成班英語文學 #3

In which John Green returns to William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to explore the themes of true love, 情慾, and whether Romeo and Juliet were truly, deeply in love, or they were just a pair of impetuous teens. How exactly did Romeo manage to go from pining for Rosaline to marrying Juliet in 36 小時? Maybe they were impetuous teens who were ALSO deeply in love. John looks into how the structure and conventions of society in medieval Verona led to the star-crossed loversdownfall. Along the way, you’ll learn about courtly love, medieval responsibility to church, family and society, Chipotle burritos as a metaphor for true love, and even learn about literary sex. We may even tie in trapeze artists and Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. You’ll have to watch to find out.

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