MAEP展 – 聖地與罪與罪

聖地, Sara Belleau 和 Sin and Guilt 的照片, Paintings by Nancy Robinson

星期五, 四月 3, 2009-星期日, 可能 31, 2009
Minnesota Artists Exhibition Gallery

Sara Belleau and Nancy Robinson tap myth and folklore archetypes to tell tales both personal and universal.

Belleaus photographs capture hand-painted backgrounds and constructed sets that conjure elaborate tales. Her Holy Land series brings ancient stories from the Bible, Torah, and Qur’an to life in a modern Minnesota vernacular. Drawing on stories from these texts, she explores shared traditions and cultures juxtaposed against the complicated political/social present.

Robinsons boldly colored self-portraits create a stage in which she stars as a variety of iconic characters both humorous and surrealistic. In each character she embodies a distilled memory that transforms her life story into fable.

The Minnesota Artist Exhibition Program (MAEP) is made possible by a generous grant from the Jerome Foundation.


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