製作和創造: 畫梵高的《向日葵》’ | 國家畫廊
Recreate Vincent van Gogh’s famous ‘Sunflowers’, or draw something you find on your daily walk or lying around the house. All you need to take part is a pencil and paper, or something to draw on, and follow along with Bethan.
Decorate your home with a ‘Sunflowers’ print: https://bit.ly/2Wc1w54
訂閱我們的頻道,不錯過任何視頻: http://bit.ly/1HrNTFd
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國家美術館收藏了 13 至 19 世紀的西歐傳統繪畫作品. 博物館免費開放 361 每年的天數, 每天之間 10.00 是 – 6.00 下午和星期五之間 10.00 是 – 9.00 下午.
特拉法加廣場, 倫敦, WC2N 5DN