測量個性: 速成課程心理學 #22

每週一和周四想要更多關於心理學的視頻? 在 https 上查看我們的姊妹頻道 SciShow Psych://www.youtube.com/scishowpsych!

How would you measure a personality? 什麼, 確切地, is the self? 好, as you’ve come to expect, it’s not that easy to nail down an answer for those questions. Whether you’re into blood, bile, earth, wind, 火, or those Buzzfeed questionnaires, there are LOTS of ways to get at who we are and why.

Table of Contents

Trait & Social-Cognitive Personality 01:35:01
測量個性 02:57:03
Who or What is the Self? 09:16:14
How Self Esteem Works 09:42:04

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