與 Axel Satgé 和 Split Second 的 Kevin Wratten 一起駕馭英國退歐
與 Axel Satgé 和 Split Second 的 Kevin Wratten 一起駕馭英國退歐
Part of: Feed Your Practice: Webinars For Professionals
Filmed on Zoom on Wed 16 Jun, 21
Find out more: https://theplace.ws/36Ajfcp
Feeling anxious about touring post Brexit? Kevin and Axel from Split Second, and co-authors of a Practical Guide to Brexit for touring artists commissioned by XTRAX, will answer some of the most pressing questions we all have about touring to the EU and working with European artists in the UK.
Combining practical tips and case studies analysis, this session will cover the most frequently asked questions about Brexit: visas, work permits, freights, etc. By the end of the session you will have all the key information you need to start planning a touring and producing strategy post-Brexit.
Recommended reading: We recommend you read A Practical Guide to Brexit for Outdoor Arts Touring Companies created by XTRAX and Split Second.
Accessibility: This webinar was BSL interpreted and has captions available.
BSL Interpreters: Stacey Green & Erin Siobhan Hutching
Available until 1 十二月 21