Ori Gersht’s Pomegranate

Ori Gersht’s photos and videos startle, 勾引, and sometimes explode. Gersht’s painterly image, “Pomegranate,” almost looks like the 17th century original by Juan Sánchez Cotán that it is based on. Almost, until the image starts to move. Many of Gersht’s works incorporate traces of his childhood in Tel Aviv with their explosive climaxes that acknowledge the violence of the modern world. In Hebrew, the word forpomegranateis the same asgrenade.

See the full video on view inOri Gersht: History Repeatingat the Museum of Fine Arts, 波士頓, 八月 28, 2012- 一月 6, 2013.

Ori Gersht, 2006. HD film for framed LCD (顏色, sound). The Jewish Museum, 紐約. Purchase: Nathan and Jacqueline Goldman and Simon Lissim Funds, by exchange, 2008-219. Commissioned by the UK Film Council; Film and Video Umbrella. © Ori Gersht.

For more information visit: http://www.mfa.org/exhibitions/ori-gersht


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