巴基斯坦最大的湖泊瀕臨決堤——數千人仍在等待救援 | 德國之聲新聞

週二,巴基斯坦官員在第三次試圖排幹該國最大的淡水湖失敗後陷入困境. After weeks of devastating floods, Lake Manchar in Sindh province is dangerously close to overflowing – which could destroy the surrounding villages.

Thousands are at risk from the lake,” provincial government spokesman Murtaza Wahab said. Wahab added that despite their best efforts to lower water levels by breaching the dykes, continued inflow was making progress impossible.

一些 100,000 people had been asked to leave the area, he said. If the lake overflows, hundreds of thousands more will have to flee. 至少 1,300 people have been killed and millions displaced amid months of torrential rains in Pakistan. About one-third of the country was flooded.

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