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When having multiple cubs, pandas will usually only care for one baby and abandon the other, but switching them around might be the key for both twins’ 生存. Narrated by David Attenborough.
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自然世界: Saving the Panda
Conservation has come a long way since the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was officially established as a charity almost 50 years ago on 11 九月 1961, and the giant panda’s story epitomises just how much has been achieved. Granted exclusive access to the world’s number one panda research centre and reserve at Chengdu, this film follows the life of a mother and cubs from conception through birth and hand-rearing, to play and young adulthoodand the international team that care for themover the course of 18 月. With archive footage, the film looks back at the extraordinary East-West collaboration that brought giant pandas back from the brink of extinction, and ahead to the radical, controversial and risky next phase: reintroduction into the wild.

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