菲利普·雅魯斯基 – 馬克斯·伊曼紐爾·森西奇: 何桑’ 阿萊西奧 (斯特凡諾·蘭迪)

DVD avalaible on: http://bit.ly/Landi-Santalessio

菲利普·雅魯斯基, 馬克斯·伊曼紐爾·森西奇, Alain Buet, Xavier Sabata, Damien Guillon, Pascal Bertin, José Lemos, Luigi De Donato, Jean-Paul Bonnevalle
La Maîtrise de CaenLes Arts Florissants / William Christie
Stage director: Benjamin Lazar

斯特凡諾·蘭迪 (baptized February 26, 1587 十月 28, 1639): Italian composer and teacher of the early Baroque Roman School. First performed at the Palazzo Barberini in Rome in 1632, Landis SantAlessio (Saint Alexius) is recognised as the earliest opera on an historical, rather than mythological subject. William Christie made an audio recording of this rarely-seen work some years ago, but this DVD, produced with TV station France 3, shows the opera for the first time in the full glory of a production by baroque theatre expert Benjamin Lazar. Staged in Caen (where the DVD was filmed) and Paris in October 2007, the opera was subsequently presented in concert form in London and New York, and is scheduled for the opera houses of Luxembourg and Nancy in early 2008. William Christie followed authentic Roman precedent by casting the opera entirely with male singers, including a chorus of choirboys and no less than eight countertenors. Two of these are already established as star soloists on Virgin Classics: Philippe Jaroussky in the title role – 跟, in the words of the New York Times, heartbreaking conviction” – and Max Emmanuel Cencic, who takes the role of Alessios wife in a flamboyant yet wrenching” 表現 (the New York Times again). The libretto, written by Cardinal Giulio Rospigliosi (the future Pope Clement IX), tells the story of saintly sacrifice: on his wedding night Alessio departs alone for the Holy Land in search of sanctity. Years later he returns unrecognised as a beggar to his family home, where his father, mother and wife still mourn him. A demon tempts Alessio to reveal his true identity and so end his familys grief, but an angel keeps him on the sacred path. The dying Alessio leaves a letter explaining the truth and an angelic chorus bids his family to rejoice rather than mourn, since he has been received into heaven. This strange, solemn and elevated story is leavened with comic scenes in the commedia dellarte vein, adding to the rich musico-dramatic variety of the entire opera.


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發現我們獨特的現場表演收藏, 以瑪麗亞·卡拉斯 (Maria Callas) 為主角的工作室會議和電影, 杰奎琳·杜普雷, 奈傑爾·肯尼迪, 姆斯蒂斯拉夫·羅斯特羅波維奇, 耶胡迪·梅紐因, 伊扎克·帕爾曼, 赫伯特·馮·卡拉揚, 柏林愛樂樂團等.

連同其姊妹品牌 Erato, 華納經典與當今最受歡迎的古典藝術家一起延續了這一傳統, 比如菲利普·雅羅斯基, 喬伊斯·迪多納托, 戴安娜·達姆勞, 伊曼紐爾·帕胡德, 亞歷山大·薩勞, 安東尼帕帕諾爵士, 克里斯蒂娜·普魯哈爾和雷諾·卡普孔.

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