種群遺傳學: 當達爾文遇到孟德爾 – 速成課程生物學 #18

Hank talks about population genetics, which helps to explain the evolution of populations over time by combing the principles of Mendel and Darwin, and by means of the Hardy-Weinberg equation.

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Table of Contents:

1. 種群遺傳學 1:05
2. 人口 1:14
3. Allele Frequency 1:41
4. 5 Factors 1:58
一種) 自然選擇 2:12
b) Natural Selection/Random Mating 2:27
C) Mutation 3:18
d) Genetic Drift 3:49
電子) Gene Flow 4:05

5. Hardy-Weinberg Principle 4:45
6. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium 5:15
7. Hardy-Weinberg Equation 6:18

gregor mendel, heredity, genetics, 查爾斯·達爾文, natural selection, 進化, 後代, population genetics, species, 人口, generation, allele frequency, allele, selective pressure, sexual selection, non-random mating, preferred traits, 健康, mutation, 脫氧核糖核酸, genetic drift, chance, gene flow, 移民, emigration, godfrey hardy, wilhelm weinberg, hardy-weinberg equation, hardy-weinberg equilibrium, phenotype, genotype, earwax, mendelian trait, homozygous, heterozygous, evolutionary biology

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