蜂蜜大師的抵抗 (360 視頻) – 英國廣播公司的新聞

Step inside the world of Bioni Samp, an urban beekeeper who makes honey – 和音樂 – from his bees. This immersive 360 documentary profile takes you deep inside the beehive.
Best viewed through a VR headset with headphones.

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It has featured at film festivals around the world, in including IDFA (https://www.idfa.nl/industry/tags/project.aspx?id=B72631C1-B889-43CF-88DD-890D287B2FAC) and The Festival of Future Storytelling https://futureofstorytelling.org/project/resistance-of-honey.
It has also been used for ground-breaking audience studies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/rd/blog/2016-03-360-viewing-scenarios-study

It was created by BBC R&D, BBC NewsLabs and Middlesex University to develop advanced storytelling and film-making techniques in 360 虛擬現實. It was directed by film-maker Peter Boyd Maclean and the executive producer was Zillah Watson.( http://www.bbc.co.uk/rd/blog/2016-03-the-resistance-of-honey )

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World In Pictures https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBX37n4R0UGJN-TLiQOm7ZTP
Big Hitters https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUME-LUrFkDwFmiEc3jwMXP
Just Good News https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUsYo_P26cjihXLN-k3w246


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