與 Svend Brinkmann 一起抵制自我提升熱潮

The pace of modern life is accelerating, and the self-help shelves are groaning with advice on how to keep up. But the demands of life in the fast lane come at a price: 焦慮, fatigue and depression are at an all-time high. Leading Danish philosopher and psychologist Svend Brinkmann argues that we must not be afraid to reject the self-help mantra. The secret to a happier life lies not in finding your inner self, but in coming to terms with yourself in order to coexist peacefully with others.

Watch Svend Brinkmann, philosopher and psychologist, 在我們最新的 RSA Spotlight 中 – 直接帶您進入活動中心的編輯! 喜歡這個片段? Watch the full edit here: https://youtu.be/mZCUdGoobfk

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