羅德里戈·巴倫蘇埃拉 | 帕法 – 訪問藝術家計劃
羅德里戈·巴倫蘇埃拉, born in Santiago, 智利 1982. Lives and works in Los Angeles, 加州. where he is an assistant professor at University of California, Los Angeles School of Art and Architecture. Valenzuela studied art history and photography at University of Chile (2004), holds a BA in Philosophy at The Evergreen State College and an MFA at University of Washington (2012). Recent residencies include Core Fellowship at the Museum of Fine Arts, 休斯頓 (德克薩斯州), Skowhegan school of Painting and Sculpture (緬因州), MacDowell Colony (NH), Bemis Center for contemporary arts (Nebraska), Lightwork (Syracuse), Vermont Studio Center (VT), Kala Art Institute (加州) and the Center for Photography at Woodstock (紐約).
Recorded on October 7, 2020