薩維特里和薩蒂亞萬: 智取死神的公主傳說 – 伊索爾·吉萊斯皮
Dig into the tale of Princess Savitri and her one true love, Satyavan, and the tragic prophecy that entwined their fates forever.
Princess Savitri was benevolent, brilliant, and bright. Her grace was known throughout the land, and many princes and merchants flocked to her family’s palace to seek her hand in marriage. But upon witnessing her blinding splendor in person, the men lost their nerve. Unimpressed with these suitors, she determined to find a husband herself. Iseult Gillespie tells the tale of Savitri and Satyavan.
Lesson by Iseult Gillespie, directed by Jagriti Khirwar & Raghav Arumugam.
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使用其他資源深入挖掘: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/savitri-and-satyavan-the-legend-of-the-princess-who-outwitted-death-iseult-gillespie#digdeeper
動畫師的網站: https://www.jagritikhirwar.com/ & https://www.raghavarumugam.com/
Sound design: https://www.campstudio.co/
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