尋找看不見的東西 “神粒子” 與大型強子對撞機 (大型強子對撞機) 在歐洲核子研究中心
Four years after the sensational discovery of the ‘Higgs boson’, also known as the “God Particle”, the CERN research centre is about to undertake a remarkable new experiment. Ten thousand scientists from around the world will work together, using the largest machine ever built by human beings. The experiment is a journey through the remotest time and on the smallest scale that we can imagine: an exploration of matter about one-millionth of a second following the Big Bang that generated our universe.
摘自 “CERN and the Sense of Beauty” – Documentary about the world’s largest particle accelerator.
Watch here the full-length documentation: https://youtu.be/TwUJqiJqP_A
訂閱 wocomoDOCS: https://goo.gl/sBmGkp
訂閱wocomoMUSIC: https://訂閱wocomoMUSIC
原標題: Il Senso Della Bellezza (CERN and the Sense of Beauty)
A film by Valerio Jalongo
© 2017, Licensed by First Hand Films