Signs Someone’s Into You But Is Afraid You’ll Reject Them

Have you ever wondered if someone likes you? 有時, people might like us but are not sure whether we will like them back. They might be afraid of rejection, or afraid of unrequited love. These feelings can be scary and make things ambiguous. Here are some signs that someone might like you, but afraid of rejection:

作家: 邁克爾·米切爾
腳本編輯器 & 經理: 宋凱莉
語音: Amanda Silvera
動畫師: Hannah Roldan
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

速成課程是使用 Adob​​e Creative Cloud 製作的:
Fritscher, 大號. (2019, 十一月 7). The impact of fear of rejection. Verywell Mind. Retrieved from
棕色的, 大號. (2021, 十一月 8). 19 surprising signs he likes you but is afraid of rejection. Hack Spirit. Retrieved from
Ell. (2021, 十月 29). Signs he likes you but is afraid of rejection. Forgetting Fairytales. Retrieved from,he%20doesn’t%20say%20it.&text=He’s%20not%20ready%20to%20put,you%20know%20there’s%20something%20more.
六月, A. 小號. (2022, 一月 9). 9 表示他喜歡你 (but he is afraid of rejection). Her Way. 從...獲得


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