Signs You Look More Attractive Than You Think

所以, you’re minding your own business when one day you get a very sweet compliment. “You’re so beautiful!” An acquaintance tells you. You smile and you both part ways. 但, you can’t help but doubt the sincerity of the compliment. 我? Beautiful? You think. 但, you know, we all have our own attractive qualities, so what’s making you doubt yours? You are beautiful! 但, you protest, looking for signs. 好, we all have different qualities that make us attractive, but here are some common signs that you are indeed more attractive than you think.

Need more signs? Give this video a watch:

作家: 邁克爾·米切爾
腳本編輯器 & 經理: 宋凱莉
語音: Amanda Silvera
動畫師: Ira Alifia
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

速成課程是使用 Adob​​e Creative Cloud 製作的:
Ricky. (2021, 七月 15). 6 signs you’re more attractive than you think. Medium. Retrieved from
Champions, D. (2021, 一月 29). 15 signs you’re more attractive than you think. Medium. Retrieved from
Centeno, A. (n.d.). 11 Subtle Signs You’re MORE Attractive Than You Think. RealMenRealStyle. Retrieved from,everyone%20laughs%20at%20your%20jokes.&text=Women%20are%20attracted%20to%20a,and%20love%20when%20you%20smile.


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