Social Intelligence: 5 Mental Gifts to Succeed in Society

Social intelligence is the ability to know oneself and to know others in order to evaluate our own and other people’s actions properly. It is composed of five capacities; sympathy, self-awareness, 同情, meta-cognition and theory of mind. Those who lack social intelligence might misunderstand others with potentially tragic consequences.

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Social Intelligence: 5 Mental Gifts to Succeed in Society

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腳本: 喬納斯·科布林
藝術家: 帕斯卡爾·加傑利
語音: 馬特·雅培
染色: 那琳
編輯: Peera Lertsukittipongsa
聲音設計: 米格爾·奧赫達
生產: 賽琳娜巴多爾
Fact checking: Ludovico Di Chanaz

玩具還活著 – 樂巴士工作室
恐怖大道 – Jack Pierce

DIG DEEPER with these top videos games and resources

How well can you read the emotions of others just by looking at their eyes? Find out and compare yourself to others with this free Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test.

Read more about the Empathy Quotient (EQ), a 60-item questionnaire designed to measure empathy in adults. The test was developed by Simon Baron-Cohen at ARC (the Autism Research Centre) at the University of Cambridge.

Puppet play exercise for young children: Show children at the age of 2-8 a doll with a lollipop, an owl and three coloured boxes. The doll then puts the lollipop into a blue box and leaves. Unbeknownst to the doll, the owl shows up and moves the lollipop from the blue box into a red box. Then the owl leaves, the doll returns and asks the children where the doll would look for the lollipop. While young children are guessing, older children understand that the doll has a false belief and point out that she will look for the treat in the blue box. Learn about the Anne Test for Theory of Mind or watch this short 4 minute video about it.

Social intelligenceWikipedia
Theory of mindWikipedia

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00:00 Car crash story
00:38 What is social intelligence?
01:05 5 core cognitive skills
04:14 Social intelligence facts
04:46 What do you think?
05:05 Patrons credit
05:14 結尾

#sproutslearning #socialintelligence #empathy #sympathy #commonsense


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