Suzete’s Battle – 見證


True gender equality in Africa might seem a remote dream. But in Mozambique, small steps are being made in the fight for women’s rights thanks to the passion and determination of one 18-year-old girl, Suzete Sangula.

Incensed when a friend was forced to leave school after becoming pregnant by a male teacher, Suzete made it her mission to educate girls and young women about their rights and teach them strategies to defend them.

Her work has already borne fruit in Maputo, and now Suzete is planning to expand her reach into rural Mozambique. Witness follows Suzete through a typical fortnight, running a workshop in a high school and battling with bureaucracy to get permission to work farther afield. Suzete pushes both boys and girls to think about the consequences of inequality and harassment and about what they can do for things to change.


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