Tangos de Málagafrom SUITE FLAMENCA by Antonio Gades (2011)

From the Teatro Real de Madrid,
Antonio Gades presents his own vision of flamenco dance

Click here to watch the complete performance: https://youtu.be/se7DDEaarTU

Click here to watch other Antonio Gades performances:
Bodas de Sangre: https://youtu.be/riOpG5qPbK8
Carmen: https://youtu.be/IYu9rxWrESU

Antonio Gades
Ricardo Freire González
Juan Antonio Zafra Moreno

Soloists: Stella Arauzo, Miguel Lara
Technical Manager: Dominique You
Artistic Director: Stella Arauzo
Choreography and Ligth Design: Antonio Gades

Women Dancers: Carolina Pozuelo, Conchi Maya, Cristina Carnero, Maite Chico, Maria José López, María Nadal, Merche Recio, Vanesa Vento, Virginia Guinales

Men Dancers: Alberto Ferrero, Ángel Gil, Antonio Mulero, David Martín, Elías Morales, Jairo Rodríguez, Joaquín Mulero

Flamenco Singers: Alfredo Tejada, Enrique Pantoja, Gabriel Cortés, Joni Cortés

Guitarists: Antonio Solera, Camarón de Pitita


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