Tattooing 101-Stipple, 鞭子, Pepper Shading (On Human Skin)

Would you like to watch the workflow and approach I take to Stipple, 鞭子, Pepper Shade On Human Skin?

In this video I share with you all the approach I take to apply stipple, whip, pepper shading on human skin.

I would like to point out that this approach is not by any means the way to do this, or the only way to do apply this technique, however it is the way that I choose to go about applying this technique and what works best for me, my setup and my hand.

I used the CNC-Q2 with a #10-03RL Stigma Needle Cartridge. I also used Formula 23 Intenze Ink, along with InkEeze Green Glide to moisten the skin.

When we are applying this technique to human skin we would want to already be familiar with the motions and movements of this technique. We would want to have developed our technique and approach on fake skin prior to doing this on human skin as there is so much room for error and that can go wrong because of the needle configuration and motions used to apply the peppered look, and many more variances.

I HIGHLY recommend to pick up some practice skins to develop the skillsets prior to ever applying this technique to human skin.

I speak throughout the video and touch base on what I am doing, the gear I am using, 和更多. I also left this video real time for you all so you can see how I move upon tattooing.

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