柴可夫斯基: 天鵝湖 – 基洛夫芭蕾舞團
柴可夫斯基: 天鵝湖 – 基洛夫芭蕾舞團
從亞馬遜購買: http://smarturl.it/KirovSwanLakeAmazon
In this production of the best loved classical ballet ‘Swan Lake’ the naturally gifted Yulia Makhalina dances the challenging role of Odette/Odile while the part of Prince Siegfried is danced by Igor Zelensky. This classic Kirov production includes the familiar happy ending in the final act where Siegfried fights and ultimately defeats the evil magician von Rothbart and at dawn is reunited with Odette.
第一幕, Scene 1 – A park near Prince Siegfried’s castle
0:00 介紹: Moderato assai – Allegro non troppo – Tempo I
2:35 1. Scène: Allegro giusto
5:47 2. 華爾茲: Tempo di valse
11:37 3. Scène: Allegro moderato
15:23 4. Pas de trois
22:27 6. Pas d’action: Andantino quasi moderato – 快板
24:00 8. Dance with Goblets: Tempo di polacca
第一幕, Scene 2 – Beside a lake
27:15 10. Scene: Moderato
29:51 11. Scene: Allegro moderato, Moderato, Allegro vivo
34:26 12. Scene: 快板, Moderato assai quasi andante
38:22 13. Dances of the Swans
50:15 四. Dance of the Little Swans
58:06 14. Scene: Moderato
Act II – The ballroom in Siegfried’s palace
59:55 15. Scene: 行進 – Allegro giusto
1:02:39 16. Ballabile: Dance of the Corps de Ballet and the Dwarves: Moderato assai, Allegro vivo
1:04:14 17. Entrance of the Guests and Waltz: 快板, Tempo di valse
1:08:22 18. Scene: 快板, Allegro giusto
1:10:07 21. Spanish Dance: Allegro non troppo (Tempo di bolero)
1:12:05 22. Neapolitan Dance: Allegro moderato, Andantino quasi moderato, 急速
1:13:56 20. Hungarian Dance: Czardas – Moderato assai, Allegro moderato, Vivace
1:16:37 23. Mazurka: Tempo di mazurka
1:19:32 05. Grand Pas d’action (The Black Swan Pas de Deux)
1:30:47 24. Scene: 快板, Tempo di valse, Allegro vivo
Act III – Beside the lake
1:32:40 25. Entr’acte: Moderato
1:35:15 Valse des Cygnes (a.k.a. Waltz for White and Black Swans, orch. by Drigo from Tchaikovsky’s Op.72 for Piano -No.11 “Valse Bluette”)
1:40:29 28. Scene: Allegro agitato, Molto meno mosso, Allegro vivace
1:43:57 29. Scene finale: Andante
1:45:04 Scene Dansante (orch. by Drigo from Tchaikovsky’s Op.72 for Piano -No.15 “Un poco di Chopin”)
1:49:03 29. Scene finale: 快板, Alla breve, Moderato e maestoso, Moderato
1:53:20 Credits
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