皇家劇院: 伊戈爾·斯特拉文斯基: 珀耳塞福涅

伊奧蘭塔和珀耳塞福涅 – 由兩部舞台作品組成的雙重法案 “代表一種理想的美, 詩歌與希望” forms this new production in Madrid from the Teatro Real. In both works the progression from darkness to light acts as an initiation rite that completely transforms the existential attitude of the leading characters. Perséphone has only one singer, the priest Eumolpus, who functions largely as a narrator. The orchestral writing is melodious, with a solo woodwind or brass instrument often presenting an arresting, even jaunty theme over a simple rhythmic accompaniment.

Dominique Blanc, 珀耳塞福涅; Paul Groves, Eumolpus

Peter Sellars, stage director; Andrés Máspero, chorus master; Teodor Currentzis, musical director; George Tsypin, 放; Martin Pakledinaz, 服飾; James F. Ingalls, lighting

Choir and Orchestra Titulares del Teatro Real


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