塞普蒂米烏斯·西弗勒斯拱門, 通往古羅馬的門戶

塞普蒂米烏斯·塞維魯的凱旋門, 203 行政長官, 石灰華底座上方的大理石, 大致 23 X 25 米, Roman Forum

揚聲器: 博士. 大流士·艾莉亞, executive director of the American Institute for Roman Culture and Dr. 貝絲·哈里斯

This video was made in collaboration with the American Institute for Roman Culture. To learn more about their important work visit:
American Institute for Roman Culture https://www.romanculture.org/
Their YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/WEDIGROME
and Ancient Rome Live https://ancientromelive.org/


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