柬埔寨的閃電神話, 雷, 和雨 – 普魯姆索頓

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Moni Mekhala Ream Eysois the most sacred dance drama in Cambodia. It is performed every year in the buong suong ceremony, and explains the origins of lightning, thunder and rain according to the Khmer people. Prumsodun Ok tells this empowering tale that still enlightens our world today.

Lesson by Prumsodun Ok, animation by Silvia Prietov.

非常感謝我們的顧客對我們的支持! 沒有你,這個視頻是不可能的! Michelle Stevens-Stanford, 菲利斯·杜布羅, 金恩善 |, Philippe Spoden, 薩曼莎週, Armando Ello, 阿亞拉·羅恩, 馬諾尼亞查克拉帕尼, Simon Holst Ravn, 多琳·雷諾茲-康索拉蒂, Rakshit Kothari, Melissa Sorrells, Antony Lee, Husain Mohammad, 來文森特, Astia Rizki Safitri, 亞歷山德拉率, 杰拉爾德·奧尼揚戈, Katrina Harding, 埃茲吉·耶爾蘇, 凱蒂院長, Kin Lon Ma, 卡斯滕·託本, Boris Langvand, Jeremy Fryd, Charlene You, 卡羅琳·科溫, rakesh Katragadda, Sergi Páez, 約爾根·奧斯特帕特, Karla Brilman, 辛迪·O。, Nicu Boanda, Reagen O’Connor, Anh Dau, Dino, FAWWAZ GHUWAIDI, Hadi Salahshour, Clement , Micholer Miller, and Sarah Burns.


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