仙人白蛇的中國神話 – Shunan Teng

Dive into the world of Chinese folk tales with the myth of the white snake, a story of the demon Bai Su Zhen and her love, Xu Xian. (Part One of the myth of the white snake).

The talented herbalist Xu Xian had just started his own medicine shop where he created remedies with the help of his wife, Bai Su Zhen. One day a monk named Fa Hai approached him, warning him that there was a demon in his house. The demon, he said, was Bai Su Zhen. Xu Xian laughed. How could his kind-hearted wife be a demon? Shunan Teng traces the tale of the immortal white snake.

Lesson by Shunan Teng, directed by Kino Bino.

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