垂死的高盧人, 1聖或公元 2 世紀. (公元前三世紀的羅馬副本. Hellenistic bronze commemorating Pergamon’s victory over the Gauls likely from the Sanctuary of Athena at Pergamon), 大理石, 93 厘米高 (Musei Capitolini, 羅馬)
Gaul killing himself and his wife (The Ludovisi Gaul), 1聖或公元 2 世紀. (公元前三世紀的羅馬副本. Hellenistic bronze commemorating Pergamon’s victory over the Gauls likely from the Sanctuary of Athena at Pergamon), 大理石, 211 厘米高 (Palazzo Altemps, Museo Nazionale Romano, 羅馬)
揚聲器: 博士. 貝絲哈里斯和博士. 史蒂文糖