The Halo Effect: The Superpower of Beautiful People
When you look at the sun, sometimes it appears way larger than it actually is. The circle of light that makes it look bigger is called a halo. Beautiful women and handsome men produce the same effect. Their appearance can be so deceiving that we begin to attribute completely unrelated qualities to their looks. This bias is known as the halo effect.
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腳本: 喬納斯·科布林
藝術家: 帕斯卡爾·加傑利
語音: 馬特·雅培
染色: 那琳
編輯: Peera Lertsukittipongsa
聲音設計: 米格爾·奧赫達
生產: 賽琳娜巴多爾
Divine Masquerade – Jack Pierce
Cheeky Plum Fairy – Shaun Frearson
深入挖掘這些熱門視頻, 遊戲和資源:
Learn how the Halo Effect Affects Marketing
This study, published by Nature, provides a comprehensive examination of the traits that predict attractiveness and examines whether facial appearance predicts health.
Learn about the Confirmation Bias which is related to the Halo Effect.
Read about baby schema, a set of facial and body features that make a creature appear “可愛的” and motivates others to care for it.
The original study: A constant error in psychological ratings.
The Attractiveness Halo Effect and the Babyface Stereotype in Older and Younger Adults: Similarities, Own-Age Accentuation, and OA Positivity Effects
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00:00 例子
00:21 Halo effect definition
00:50 歷史
01:12 Thorndike’s finding
02:03 Halo effect study
03:17 What do you think
03:38 Patrons credit
03:47 結尾
#psychology #sproutslearning #haloeffect #perception #stereotype