臭名昭著的人口過剩賭注: 西蒙 vs. 埃利希 – 索拉亞菲爾德菲奧里奧
發現兩位教授之間臭名昭著的賭注, which sought to predict whether the earth would run out of resources due to a growing human population.
在 1980, Paul Ehrlich and Julian Simon bet $1,000 on a question with stakes that couldn’t be higher: would the earth run out of resources to sustain a growing human population? They bet $200 on the price of five metals. If the price of a metal decreased or held steady over the next decade, Simon won. If the price increased, Ehrlich won. 所以, 發生了什麼? Soraya Field Fiorio investigates.
Lesson by Soraya Field Fiorio, directed by Avi Ofer.
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