石灰: 速成班影評 #10

Steven Soderbergh is known as much for his Oscar winning tense dramas as he is retiringthen not retiring. He was a part of the indy revolution in the 1980s and 90s that helped usher in a new case of writers and directors who didn’t play by the rules of the Hollywood system. He’s also known for making quirky and emotionally potent small films. In this episode of Crash Course Film Criticism, we’ll look at one of his smaller films. It’s called The Limey and it’s about a British lifetime criminal seeking revenge for the death of his daughter.


Check out all 15 films we’ll be talking about below!!!

Citizen Kane
Where Are My Children?
In the Mood For Love
Do the Right Thing
Lost In Translation
Apocalypse Now
Pan’s Labyrinth
三種顏色: 藍色的
2001: 太空漫遊


Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios

The Latest from PBS Digital Studios: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?列表…


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