阿南西的神話, 騙子蜘蛛 – 艾米莉·佐貝爾·馬歇爾
跟隨蜘蛛 Anansi 完成來自天神的挑戰,從而掌握世界的故事.
很久以前, all stories belonged to Nyame, the all-seeing Sky God. But one creature, Anansi, was determined to bring the stories down to Earth. Anansi went to Nyame and requested to take ownership of the world’s stories. The Sky God told Anansi that he could have all the stories he wished — but only if he could complete an impossible task. Emily Zobel Marshall shares the cunning spider’s journey.
Lesson by Emily Zobel Marshall, directed by Keegan Thornhill.
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