大力神神話: 12 以 8 位工作 – 亞歷克斯·詹德勒

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查看完整課程: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-myth-of-hercules-12-labors-in-8-bits-alex-gendler

Hercules — son of Zeus and champion of humankind — stricken with a temporary curse of madness, has just committed the most unspeakable crime imaginable. Seeking to atone for the deaths of his family, Hercules must complete twelve impossible tasks that pit him against invincible monsters and unfathomable forces. Alex Gendler retells this epic series of adventures.

Lesson by Alex Gendler, directed by Jérémie Balais & Jeff Le Bars.

非常感謝我們的顧客對我們的支持! 沒有你,這個視頻是不可能的! Elizabeth Parker, Sai Krishna Koyoda, Samuel Barbas, Maxwell Ingram, Victoria Soler-Roig, Abdulmateen Aderinto, Pavel Maksimov, Barbara Younker, Cyrus Garay, Yvette Mocete, Mike Azarkman, Patricia Alves Panagides, William Biersdorf, 邁克爾·阿奎利納, Vinamr , FireWolfLasers , Kshitij Shah, Mohammad Said, Teach Me DinéNavajo Language, Victoria Veretilo, Rebecca Reineke, 美麗的雅浦島, Brandon Thomas, Lewis Westbury, Ojas Kapoor, Mirzat Turap, Jaime Arriola, Emilia Alvarado, Javid Gozalov, Philipp Hiestand, Paul Beard, Deepak Iyer, 馬庫斯·戈德哈克, Mihai Sandu, Keven Webb, Hendrik Mueller, Maurice Castonguay, Kristiyan Bonev, Maryam Dadkhah, Joshua Wasniewski, Michał Friedrich, Arlene Spiegelman, Doug Henry, Alick Au, Denison Martins Fernandes, Daniel Nester, Richard A Berkley, Benjamin Chan, Dee Wei and Abdallah Absi.


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