The Reproductive System: How Gonads Go – 速成課程生物學 #34

Hank lets us in on the meaning of life, at least from a biological perspectiveit’s reproduction, which answers the essential question of all organisms: how do I make more of myself? 所以, 性別, how does it work?

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Table of Contents
1) Gametes: Ova and Sperm 2:27
2) Sex Determination 4:59
3) Secondary Sexual Characteristics 6:48
4) Female Reproductive Structures 7:25
一種) Uterus & Oviducts 7:40
b) Endometrium (Menstruation) 7:57
C) Cervix & Vagina 8:32
5) Male Reproductive Structures 8:45
一種) Scrotum, Sminferous Tubules & Epididymas 8:59
b) Penis 9:37
C) Vas Deferens to Eurethra (Emission) 10:13

速成課程是使用 Adob​​e Creative Cloud 製作的
Campbell Biology, 9th ed.

crash course, 速課程, 生物學, 科學, reproductive system, reproduction, asexual, 性, eukaryote, genome, 後代, sex cell, 性別, 動物, gamete, ovum, egg, ovule, sperm, hermaphrodite, genitals, male, female, 行為, 生產, storage, delivery, courtship, fertilize, gonads, organ, sex determining chromosome, nipple, estrogen, testosterone, puberty, secondary sex characteristics, breasts, human, ovary, fallopian tube, menstrual cycle, ovulation, uterus, cervix, vagina, testes, 陰莖, erection, coitus, semen, emission, ejaculation, vas deferens, prostate gland Support CrashCourse on Patreon: https://速成課程是使用 Adob​​e Creative Cloud 製作的


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