《蜘蛛人》’ 蘇丹: 抗議運動的現實超級英雄

In Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, an anonymous protester dressed as Spider-Man joins the hundreds of thousands of protesters desperate to protect their fragile civilian government after the military coup in October 2021.
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‘Spideyhas become well known on social media for leaping from billboards and scaling the tops of buildings while dodging teargas. 然而, it’s his work with some of the poorest children in Khartoum that has shown him to be a positive focus for the resistance, helping a new generation to know their worth and take pride in their country’s rich heritage

0:00 – Military coup
1:00 – Spider-man intro
1:38 – Protest
2:43 – Twitter Sensation
5:12 – Avenging a death
7:25 – Science teacher
10:13 – Resistance Committee
15:30 – Revolutionary leader
16:37 – Sudanese Pyramids

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