電動汽車驚人的悠久歷史 – 丹尼爾斯珀林和吉爾塔爾

電動汽車能否在道路上重新佔據一席之地? Discover how developments in battery technology are making these cars more efficient and powerful.

By the end of the 19th century, nearly 40% of American cars were electric. But these vehicles had a few major problems — early car batteries were expensive and inefficient, and the vehicles were twice the price of a gas-powered car. And so for the next several decades, gas-powered cars dominated the market. 電動汽車能否在道路上重新佔據一席之地? Daniel Sperling and Gil Tal investigate.

Lesson by Daniel Sperling and Gil Tal, directed by Lobster Studio.

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