欺騙瑪雅死神的雙胞胎 – 伊蘭斯塔萬斯

深入了解雙胞胎 Junajpu 和 Ixb'alanke 的瑪雅神話,因為他們進入黑社會,在球賽中扮演眾神.

一天, twin brothers Junajpu and Ixb’alanke discovered their father’s hidden ballgame equipment and began to play. Hearing their vigorous game, the lords of the underworld sent a messenger to challenge the boys to a match. Despite the danger, the twins nevertheless answered the call, making the trek to the great city of Xibalba. Who would emerge victorious? Ilan Stavans shares the Maya myth.

Lesson by Ilan Stavans, directed by Arvind Singh Jeena and Nikhita Prabhudesai.

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